is the last option on our scheme.
our members
& families.

Affordable Premium

Coporate Medical Scheme

Pensioners Medical Scheme

Family Medical Scheme
Why choose wemas
We offer a unique service offering which not only meets clients’ existing medical requirements, but also seek to anticipate their future medical needs
Cash back plan
No shortfalls
Funeral cover

Corporate Medical Scheme
With our flexible cover options and competitive pricing, you can give your staff a peace of mind that comes with knowing that they're taken care of.
Family Medical Scheme
Looking for a medical insurance plan that covers your entire family without breaking the bank? Our 3-Category Family Medical Scheme offers just that.
Pensioners Medical Scheme
Don't let health concerns hold you back from enjoying your retirement - Live the golden age with Pensioners Medical Scheme today.
Healthy Employees, Healthy Business
Take charge of your medical expenses.
Live the golden age
Take Charge of your medical expenses.
We’ve been around long enough to have developed a solid understanding of the private healthcare industry in Malawi. So our team of experts is always looking at innovative ways to ensure our members get affordable quality healthcare. Whether it’s keeping our fingers on the pulse of technology, managing your care so lifestyle diseases are identified before they become chronic, or negotiating better hospital rates for you.
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